Sunday, 6 January 2019

A Perfect Marriage

A nutritionist definition of a perfect diet is along the lines of 50% protein, 25% carbohydrates and 25% fibers. Alas, there is no magic definition of a perfect marriage. We have lot of people who are health conscious, wealth minded and although we do not focus exclusively on marriage wellness, a considerable amount of energy is spent into molding our married lives.

                If you would remind yourself of days when you learnt riding a bicycle, you would probably fondly remember the childhood when you tried but could not balance a bicycle. And suddenly, in matter of few hours or few days, magically, you could balance the bicycle and ride and go around on the roads riding your new mate – your lovely bicycle. Now, if you would remind yourself of days when you were newly wed, you will have sweet sour memories of days when you were learning to balance the marriage. And if you come to the present, you will realize you are still trying your best to balance the marriage. Being in marriage is not like learning a bicycle, probably it is an art that can never be claimed to have been learnt.

                A perfect marriage can only be pursued, it can never be attained. Only the knowledge of sadness can help you relish the moments of joy. As life has ups and downs, sweetness and bitterness, toughness and happiness, so does a marriage has crying and laughing, fighting and caring, hating and loving. The moments where you can feel oneness of two souls are the ones worth your trying to balance out your marriage.

                   As I said previously – ‘A perfect marriage can only be pursued, it can never be attained.’ I think it is wise to just try to create as many ‘perfect moments’ as you can in your marriage and if you have enough memories of these ‘perfect moments’ to etch out your married life through thick and thin, you can proudly claim to have a ‘perfect marriage’. Here is wishing you a ‘perfect marriage’ !!

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