Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Problems, Difficulties and Challenges

Success is a tree whose roots lie in problems, difficulties, challenges and so does failure’s.  A person’s present and future depends on how he approaches the problems, difficulties and challenges that come along the way. A person is born with a lot of constraints and at the same time, a person is born with a lot of opportunities. The failure in acknowledging the constraints and the success in identifying the opportunities can be a good platform for a positive mindset. Nobody doubts what a positive frame of mind can achieve.
So much for the positive frame of mind.. But what about the realities and practicalities of the problems, difficulties and challenges? Yes, constraints do exist and they have multiple aspects .. it will probably be foolish, if not bizzare, for any person to set out on an attempt to break Usain Bolt’s 100m world record. The abilities, potential, self-belief, confidence, patience, perseverance, knowledge, skills and so many such aspects come into play. But, quite necessary (not sufficient though) is the “desire” to do something that can help a person take on the problems, difficulties, challenges and take him beyond the finish line.

What you sow, is what you reap - so, the desires you nourish will define your success, failure, happiness, sadness, frustrations, calmness and so on. While having the mindset of problem solving, facing the difficulties and accepting the challenges is key to growth, it is much more important to have the desire for the right set of problems, difficulties and challenges for yourself.

To end this blog with some help/best practices, following are some hints for better handling of problems, difficulties and challenges:
  • Believe in yourself - Equip yourself with right tools; prepare/arm yourself with knowledge, skills and self-belief.
  • It can become stressful at times, find someone to talk to/team up with.
  • Failures are a part of life - You might not succeed at everything; learn to accept failures gracefully.
  • Look at life as an opportunity - embrace problems, difficulties and challenges.
  • In the face of difficulty, it can be difficult to put up your best face - try to cultivate positive mindset.
  • Time does not always remain same, there are ups and downs in life. Utilise the good times well so that you are better prepared for the 'not so good' times.


  1. Nicely written. A practical guide to greatness!

  2. earlier comment was incomplete hence I removed.
    Problems, difficulties and challenges is good one, well written and also well explained. Thanks. Keep it up.
    Enjoy writing.
    with regards,
